

@selector (1) 初使化區塊 (1) 物件 (1) 物件導向 (2) 型別 (4) 封裝 (1) 流程控制 (1) 陣列 (3) 推論型別 (2) 實機測試 (1) 蓋索林(gasolin) (1) 模組 (1) 憑證 (1) 轉型 (1) 羅康鴻 (121) 類別 (1) 變數 (5) Accelerometer (1) ActiveRecord (1) Activity (1) AFNetworking (1) alloc (1) Android (3) Animation (1) App (1) App ID (1) APP上傳 (1) ASP.NET (1) AVAudioPlayer (1) block (1) C# (2) class (1) CLLocationManager (1) CLLocationManagerDelegate (1) CMMotionManager (4) Controller (1) delegate (1) DELETE語法 (1) Device Motion資料 (1) Dialog (1) DropDownList (1) dynamic language (2) Facebook SDK (9) FBRequest (5) FBRequestConnection (2) FMDB (1) Gesture Recognizers (6) GROUP BY (2) Gyro (1) HAVING (1) IBAction (1) IBOutlet (1) id (3) inheritance (1) init (1) Insert (1) instance variable (1) Interface Builder (1) iOS (70) iOS idea (7) iOS Introduction (1) Layout (1) Magnetometer (1) Menu (2) Method (2) MKMapView (1) MKPointAnnotation (1) MS SQL (5) Nil (1) NSArray (1) NSDictionary (1) NSError (1) NSFileManager & .plist (1) NSMutableArray (1) NSMutableDictionary (1) NSNotificationCenter (1) NULL (1) object (2) Objective-C (16) Objective-C idea (1) ORDER BY (1) Parameter (1) property (1) protocol (2) Provisioning (1) Proximate Sensor (1) Q and A (2) R類別 (1) Rails (9) RESTful SOA (9) Ruby (8) Scene (1) SEELECT (1) Segue (2) SEL (1) SELECT語法 (1) Shake (1) Simulator (1) SOA (8) SQL (6) SQL Server (5) SQL函數 (1) SQL彙總函數 SQL (1) SQLite (1) Storyboard (1) Style (1) Swift (1) Table (1) target & action (1) Theme (1) Toast (1) TRUNCATE TABLE語法 (1) UIActionSheet (1) UIActionSheetDelegate (1) UIActivityIndicatorView (1) UIAlertView (1) UIBarButtonItem (1) UIButton (1) UICollectionView (1) UICollectionViewDataSource (1) UIControl (9) UIDatePicker (1) UIImage (1) UIImagePickerController (2) UIImagePickerControllerDelegate (2) UIImageView (1) UILabel (1) UILongPressGestureRecognizer (1) UINavigationController (2) UIPanGestureRecognizer (1) UIPinchGestureRecognizer (1) UIProgressView (1) UIResponder (1) UIRotationGestureRecognizer (1) UISegmentedControl (1) UISlider (1) UIStepper (1) UISwipeGestureRecognizer (1) UISwitch (1) UITabBarController (1) UITableView (1) UITableViewDataSource (1) UITapGestureRecognizer (1) UITextField (1) UITextFieldDelegate (1) UITextView (2) UITextViewDelegate (1) UIToolBar (1) UIView (8) UIWebView (1) UPDATE語法 (1) var (2) VB.NET (7) View (4) WHERE子句 (1) XML (1)


[ASP.NET with VB] 如何連動2個下拉式選單?



  • 建立2個DropDownList物件,分別表示Category與Product
  • 建立2個SqlDataSource,分別作為Category與Product的DropDownList的資料來源
  • 在Product的SqlDataSource上設定參數,以依照Category的DropDownList所選取的項目值作為Sql篩選資料的條件。大致如下:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2"   runat="server"   ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"   SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Product] WHERE ([categoryid] = @categoryid)">  <SelectParameters>    <asp:ControlParameter           ControlID="DropDownList1"           Name="categoryid"           PropertyName="SelectedValue"           Type="Int32" />     </SelectParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>

  • 最後一點,記得將Category的DropDownList的AutoPostBack屬性設為true,如此在變更值時,才會將變頁面Post回伺服器,在依選取的值,重新篩選Product的DropDownList所對應SqlDataSource中的資料。

